«Inbound tourism» in Russia today «does not exist from the word at all»

December 22, 2021

In Russia “inbound tourism «Does not exist at the moment. ATOR vice-president Alexander Kurnosov told «Profile» about it. He emphasized that he spoke about business, sightseeing, and sports travel to Russia of foreign tourists. Kuronosov stressed that “this also applies to such traditionally attractive cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Even if there are some entry permits, there is no particular hope of increasing the influx of foreign tourists, because…


Australian man betrayed himself when he reported the theft of his marijuana to police

December 22, 2021

A man from Australia is accused of growing marijuana after he betrayed himself in an unusual way. A resident of Tennant Creek, 61-year-old William Poynton, called the police when he noticed that one of the the marijuana bushes he was growing were gone. Upon arrival, the police found about 70 plants, some of which were up to 1.5 meters in height. That was more than enough to get Poynton into…


Water in an ancient Indian lake suddenly turns pink

December 22, 2021

The waters of the ancient Lake Lonar in the Indian state Maharashtra suddenly turned pink just a few days ago. Scientists are finding out exactly what caused this unusual phenomenon. Experts have some assumptions: they believe that the color of the water could be affected by an increase in the concentration of salt, algae, or a combination of these two factors. There is already an example of such a phenomenon…


How to choose the right wardrobe: expert recommendations

December 22, 2021

If more recently wardrobes were considered a relative novelty, now everything has changed dramatically. Furniture has become popular and in demand. And there was such a change due to technical characteristics, practicality and its functionality. A comfortable household item not only perfectly copes with its duty of keeping things safe, but also saves space in the room. Making your choice and choosing a quality product is not easy at all,…


«Inbound tourism» in Russia today «does not exist from the word at all»

December 22, 2021

In Russia “inbound tourism «Does not exist at the moment. ATOR vice-president Alexander Kurnosov told «Profile» about it. He emphasized that he spoke about business, excursion, and sports travel to Russia of foreign tourists. Kuronosov stressed that “this also applies to such traditionally attractive cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Even if there are some entry permits, there is no particular hope of increasing the influx of foreign tourists, because…


Australian man betrayed himself when he reported the theft of his marijuana to police

December 22, 2021

A man from Australia is accused of growing marijuana after he betrayed himself in an unusual way. A resident of Tennant Creek, 61-year-old William Poynton, called the police when he noticed that one of the the marijuana bushes he was growing were gone. Upon arrival, the police found about 70 plants, some of which were up to 1.5 meters in height. That was more than enough to get Poynton into…


Water in an ancient Indian lake suddenly turns pink

December 22, 2021

The waters of the ancient Lake Lonar in the Indian state Maharashtra suddenly turned pink just a few days ago. Scientists are finding out exactly what caused this unusual phenomenon. Experts have some assumptions: they believe that the color of the water could be affected by an increase in the concentration of salt, algae, or a combination of these two factors. There is already an example of such a phenomenon…


How to choose the right wardrobe: expert recommendations

December 21, 2021

If more recently wardrobes were considered a relative novelty, now everything has changed dramatically. Furniture has become popular and in demand. And there was such a change due to technical characteristics, practicality and its functionality. A comfortable household item not only perfectly copes with its duty of keeping things, but also saves free space in the room. Making your choice and choosing a quality product is not easy at all,…