Proud Boys leader sentenced to over 5 months in prison

February 2, 2022

Far-right leader Proud Boys was sentenced to more than five months in prison on Monday after admitting he burned a Black Lives Matter banner from a historic black church in Washington during a pro-Trump demonstration in December. Henry Tarrio, known to his followers as Enrique, was arrested on January 4 in Washington in connection with the December 12 incident. The Proud Boys and other groups staged a raucous rally downtown….


Taliban to ban music in public places in Afghanistan

February 2, 2022

In his first Western media interview since As the Taliban took complete control of Afghanistan, one of the group's leaders tried to present it in a new light — insisting that the Taliban had changed since they were last in power. «We want to build a future and forget what happened in the past,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in an interview with The New York Times. During the conversation, he…


Blinken: Another 1,500 Americans need to be evacuated from Afghanistan

February 2, 2022

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Wednesday, that about 1,500 Americans remain in Afghanistan awaiting their evacuation. The Biden administration continues to make efforts to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies through August 31, the deadline set for a full exit from the country. Blinken said the US had evacuated 82,300 people, including 4,500 with US passports, since Aug. 14, the day before the Taliban captured Kabul and completed its takeover…


Biden plans to stick to deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan

February 2, 2022

US officials told ABC that Biden decided to stick to the August 31 deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, despite pressure from European allies and calls to extend the evacuation time. Nevertheless, the president said contingency plans would be made unforeseen circumstances that could force troops to delay beyond Aug. 31 to complete the evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies. A Taliban spokesman said earlier that the US should complete…


In California, a mother saved her baby from a mountain lion by throwing herself at him with her bare hands.

February 2, 2022

A California woman saved her five-year-old son from being attacked by a mountain lion. A boy was playing near his home in Calabasas in the Santa Monica Mountains, west of Los Angeles, when a lion attacked him. The animal dragged the child across the front lawn, but then the mother ran out and began to beat the mountain lion with her bare hands — until he let her son go….


Witnesses report 7 children killed in US strike on Kabul

February 2, 2022

Ten members of one families, including seven children, were killed in a U.S. drone strike on a car in a residential area of ​​Kabul, relatives of the victims told the Washington Post. The U.S. launched a defensive airstrike in Kabul against a suspected ISIS-K suicide bomber , which posed an «imminent» threat to the airport, US Central Command said on Sunday. According to the brother of one of the victims,…


Explosions at Kabul airport: Death toll rises to 170

February 2, 2022

Evacuation flights resumed on Friday at the airport Kabul is less than a day after 13 US troops and dozens of Afghans were killed in suicide attacks claimed by ISIS. Military officials also issued warnings that more attacks could occur at the airport, and that their risk is rising amid a push to get hundreds of Americans and as many vulnerable Afghans out of the country. An Afghan health ministry…


Bombings kill 60 Afghans and 13 US troops in Kabul

February 2, 2022

Two Explosions rocked the Kabul airport on Thursday, killing dozens of people, including US troops, and evacuation efforts were complicated days before President Joe Biden's deadline for Americans to leave Afghanistan. Initially, Taliban sources told NBC News that at least 13 people, including children, were killed and many more were injured in the attack. Later, the Afghan Ministry of Health reported that 60 Afghans were killed in the explosions, and…