$7.5 million will get deceived buyers Snuggie blankets

If over the last 20 years you have bought from Allstar Marketing Group, the official distributor of products for the home, plaid Snuggie with sleeves, mosquito net magnetic Door Magic Mesh and some other popular products — you can count on compensation. All this time the seller entered mislead customers in our advertisements.

$7.5 million will get deceived buyers Snuggie blanketsflickr.com

The Federal trade Commission (Federal Trade Commission — FTC) and the attorney General of new York has convicted Allstar Marketing Group LLC in unfair marketing activities.

Since 1999, Allstar Marketing Group have conducted many advertising campaigns, offering to buy one item and get second as a gift. The ordering process was complicated and opaque, and from gullible buyers were charged additional amounts, which are not discussed in the original proposal.

According to a press release by the FTC, the seller cheated customers a total of $7.5 million and now will be forced to return these funds. Another $500 thousand the distributor will pay in fines. The corresponding decision was made by the court in new York.

More than 200 thousand of cheated customers will receive compensation from $19,95 to $35,85 in the form of checks that must be cashed within 60 days.

