Super heroine saves metro Los Angeles from the ignorant (video)

October 12, 2017

Social advertising sometimes takes bizarre forms, because its main function is to attract attention, and what catches the eye better than something strange, vivid and unusual. Apparently, the creators of new videos dedicated to the maintenance of order in public transport in Los Angeles, was guided by this principle, because they managed to fit in a three minute and a half clip of an impressive dose of psychedelia. Three videos…


An asteroid the size of a house today will seem in the night sky

October 12, 2017

An asteroid the size of a house will fly past Earth on the night of 11 to 12 October, once again providing opportunities for experts to speculate on what would happen if the space wanderer had not missed our wondrous planet, passing within the orbit of the moon. A stone giant named 2012 TC4, reaching a diameter of 50 to 100 feet (approximately the same as the asteroid that struck…


3/4 of Americans believe that the rich should pay more

October 12, 2017

As you know, President Donald trump is promoting a new tax plan, which, according to critics, will lead to the growth of the Federal budget deficit, reducing corporate rates and abolishing some taxes paid by the rich. A survey recently conducted by Reuters / Ipsos shows that three quarters of Americans support that position. They believe that the rich should pay more. Today, the President trump plans to visit harrisburg…