In Chicago through a secret group on Facebook was selling drugs and weapons

December 22, 2017

Reuters reports that police have arrested 50 people for using «secret group» in Facebook for the sale of illegal substances and weapons. Police also criticized the largest social network for inaction and lack of assistance with the investigation, which lasted 10 months. Police did not disclose details of the charges that showed 50 arrested Thursday, but says there are still «dozens» of such groups. «Facebook is accountable to its users….


Life expectancy in the U.S. is falling, while the number of overdoses increases

December 22, 2017

In 2016, the average life expectancy of Americans has declined, as in 2015, and decreased to 78.6 years. Moreover, experts report that this trend is partly related to the epidemic of overdoses. The team of the National center for health statistics (NCHS) found that the average life expectancy in the US fell by 0.1% in comparison with the previous year. «For the first time, the average life expectancy in the…


Citizen of Kazakhstan from Brooklyn was sentenced to 15 years in prison in connection with ISIS

December 22, 2017

Today, December 21, in Federal court in Brooklyn , a citizen of Kazakhstan and resident of new York Ahror of Seidahmetov was sentenced to 15 years in prison for conspiring with an Islamic state. «Ahror of Saidakhmetov was arrested when he tried to travel to Syria to wage Jihad on behalf of ISIS,» said in his statement, the acting United States attorney Bridget Rohde. «In addition, he expressed the intention…


Man fined for Christmas lights on the machine

December 22, 2017

Usually people use colored garland in the festive season to decorate homes, trees and lawns. However, Brandon wooden’s prefer to transform with the help of the lights of your car. And while traditional ways of using Christmas lights as a rule do not bring anyone harm, for a man, his addiction turned into a rather big fine. WJCL reports that in the last five years, wooden decorate your car with…


Memphis was the last city that said goodbye to the monuments of the Civil war

December 22, 2017

On Wednesday evening, several groups of workers using cranes dismantled in the Park, two statues of Confederates. The demolition of the first of them, the equestrian statue of Confederate General and leader of the Ku Klux Klan Nathan Bedford Forrest , the gathered crowd greeted with cheers. Just a mile and a half from Forrest the same fate, and underwent the Confederate leader Jefferson Davis. Mayor Jim Strickland said today…


The leadership change in Cuba was postponed due to hurricane «Irma»

December 22, 2017

Reuters reports on the extension of Communist Cuba’s Parliament of the legal duration of the presidency of Raul Castro for two months. National Assembly meetings which take place twice a year, has decided to postpone the re-election of the head of state because of serious damage caused by proshedshimi island hurricane «Irma». Some of those who watched the political situation in Cuba believe that it is rather a measure necessary…


Dentistry treats the teeth for free in honor of Christmas

December 22, 2017

Dentistry in Springfield, Ohio offers its services to everyone absolutely free of charge, wanting to do something good for people this holiday season. Clinic Comfort Dental (1270 Upper Valley Pike) holds an event Care Day for several years in a row. Usually the action takes place on Christmas eve, 24 December, but this year it decided to postpone to 23 Dec (7:30 to 11:30) so that the clinic staff could…


Studio guest on Fox News Channel suggested that the FBI wanted to kill trump

December 22, 2017

The guest on the program Fox News Channel ‘s «Outnumbered» Kevin Johnson during communication with the host regarding the election of the President of Donald trump and investigation, which insisted the President against Hillary Clinton, stated that the FBI may have wanted to kill trump not to let him win the election. «Well, I think they wanted to say that it was his [James Comey] intention, right?» said Jackson, referring…


The Senate passed a temporary budget to avert a government shutdown

December 22, 2017

In the new year, Republicans will continue to control Washington. On Thursday, the house of representatives averted a temporary shutdown of the government in adopting the interim budget and passing it to the Senate. An emergency measure will keep funding the Pentagon and other government agencies until January 19, after which legislators still have to take the full budget. For a temporary document voted 231 Congressman, against 188. If they…


The General Assembly of the UN does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

December 22, 2017

The General Assembly of the United Nations at an emergency meeting on Thursday by an overwhelming number of votes adopted the resolution on non-recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, previously introduced by Egypt. The document does not say specifically about the US, but condemns any actions aimed at the recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli. The UN Security Council failed to adopt a resolution because of the veto imposed…