Florida woman called 911 because of a broken refrigerator — and the police brought her a new one

September 12, 2020

Sometimes a 911 call for no good reason can end up with a fine or jail time for a Florida resident — but one woman from Martin County was much more fortunate. Cheryl Nanartonis found herself in an extremely uncomfortable position when her refrigerator broke down and there was no money to buy a new one. Fearing that this would spoil the food, Nanartonis dialed 911 and asked for help….


Mother locked her 7-year-old daughter in a dog cage as punishment

September 12, 2020

A year-long investigation into child abuse resulted in the arrest of two people in Canton, Ohio. In August 2019, Child Welfare Services contacted police about three children they believed had been mistreated in a Canton home. After that, detectives found evidence that a 7-year-old girl was locked in a dog cage in the basement as punishment. Police say the baby weighed only 28 pounds. In addition, he could have been…


The firefighter’s family died in the fire while he extinguished forest fires

September 12, 2020

A Washington state firefighter who fought wildfires near the Canadian border lost his wife and three children after an early morning fire engulfed their new home. By the time the first responders arrived at the scene of the tragedy in Benton City, Washington, the family's trailer was engulfed in flames. A nearby trailer also caught fire, but its owners were rescued. «There was nothing we could do,» commented Ron Duncan,…


Neighbor sets fire to California couple along with house over parking dispute

September 12, 2020

A couple from Stockton, California, are waiting for months of rehabilitation after being set on fire along with their house by a neighbor with whom the couple allegedly had a bet over a parking space. Jorge and Patsy Garcia are still in critical condition in the hospital, with burns on 80% of their body. Fortunately, their 5-year-old daughter was not hurt during the attack in mid-August: her father, along with…


The man «shot his wife because they had little sex» and wounded the neighbors because he «hates children.»

September 12, 2020

The man “shot his wife because they didn't have enough sex,” and then opened fire on neighbors, 29 and 12 years old, because he “hates children,” police said. Jason Michael Mesich was arrested and charged with attempted murder and murder of his wife Angela Lynn at their Minneapolis home. He hid his wife's body in the couple's garage. Before the incident happened, the Mesichi fought over not having enough sex….


A neighbor falsely accused her Mexican grandfather of kidnapping after seeing her with a white grandson

September 12, 2020

A neighbor called the police after seeing a Mexican grandfather along with a white grandson — and falsely accusing the man of kidnapping. Abel Mata was walking outside his home in Torras, California with his 2-year-old grandson on Sunday afternoon when police showed up. The officers explained that they had answered a call about the possible kidnapping of the baby by a certain Hispanic. “It was an elderly white woman…


Ministry of Justice demands to restore death sentence for Tsarnaev

September 12, 2020

The Justice Department will seek the restoration of the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was found guilty of orchestrating the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, Attorney General William Barr said Thursday. In an interview with The Associated Press, he said the Justice Department is appealing the court's decision to overturn Tsarnaev's death sentence and a trial is scheduled to determine whether he should be executed for the attack that killed…


Florida woman tried to kidnap neighbor’s son while 2 more children were waiting for her at home

September 12, 2020

A resident of Pinellas County, Florida, ended up behind bars after attempting to kidnap neighbors' children while two others were waiting for her at home. According to detectives, 28-year-old Hannah Brown left the house at 2 am on August 18 — and 15 minutes later, a surveillance camera at the house of her neighbor, Amber, captured Brown getting inside. The woman attempted to snatch the 9-month-old baby from his 12-year-old…


Trump administration will view refugees as a threat to US security

September 12, 2020

The new rule will take effect immediately after adoption, will be valid for a minimum of 90 days and will affect migrants who have stayed in Mexico or Canada in the past two weeks. If implemented, the bill would deprive asylum seekers of any legal protection. In July, officials from the Presidential Administration posted a notice of a rule that would allow DHS officials to deny safe haven to those…


USA flooded with fake driver’s licenses from China and other countries

September 12, 2020

The United States has once again seized tens of thousands of licenses, the lion's share of them are fake driver's licenses, which are supplied to America mainly by China, as well as South Korea and the UK, writes Vinograd.us. In the first six months of 2020, US Customs and Borden Protection (CBP) officers at Chicago O'Hare International Airport alone seized nearly 20,000 fake US driver's licenses and other documents, according…