What are the payroll taxes in Germany: information from International Business

August 30, 2022

Germany is one of the most promising countries for immigration. A high standard of living, many attractions, prospects for visitors even in the absence of a job — all this makes it one of the best options. However, immigration to an EU country has another side — taxes. How much will you have to pay when you get a job? What rate is in effect here — fixed or progressive?…


5 great locations for the fall season in the USA

August 30, 2022

While Spring is Coming in the Southern Hemisphere and warming, in the Northern Hemisphere everything happens exactly the opposite. In particular, the East Coast of the United States wholeheartedly welcomes autumn (or, as the Americans call it, fall) and all that it symbolizes. Imagine soul-warming drinks like pumpkin-spiced coffee or apple cider, seasonal fruit harvests. Who can forget the autumn flaming colors of flora and fauna? People flock from afar…