What kind of real estate should not be bought in the USA?

July 27, 2023

Real estate is too cheap in America, but buy it It is possible only under certain conditions and in disadvantaged cities of the country. Once they were super successful and prosperous, but due to the loss of economic importance, they turned into ghost towns consisting of abandoned houses. Local authorities cannot simply demolish everything, so they come up with profitable (or not so) programs and promotions for their sale. Read…


How do taxi drivers live and how much do they earn in America?

July 27, 2023

Have you ever thought about What is it like to be a taxi driver in America? How are their everyday lives, what difficulties do they face? Today, in USA.ONE magazine, we dive into the intriguing world of taxi drivers and provide an interesting insider look at the industry. Everything about the work of taxi drivers in the USA Imagine this scenario: a bustling city, neon lights illuminating the streets and…