Hit the Road: Getting a Green Card for Ukrainians: A Quick Guide to Driving in the USA

October 29, 2023

For Ukrainians who dream of driving through the vast landscapes of the United States, obtaining a Green Card for their car is a critical step. Nevertheless, navigating the intricacies of importing a car and complying with American regulations can be challenging. In this detailed guide, we will look at the features and nuances of how Ukrainians can get a green card online for their car and travel around America. Understanding…


A 6-year-old child shot and killed his little sister in Indiana.

October 29, 2023

Tuesday, July 26, at A tragic incident occurred in eastern Indiana. A 6-year-old boy shot and killed his 5-year-old sister in their home in Muncie, 60 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Police and emergency crews responded to South Monroe Street around 2:25 p.m. and found a child with a severe gunshot wound to the head. Read today in the magazineUSA.ONE: A 6-year-old boy fatally shot his little sister Their parents have…


The US and NATO responded to Putin’s threat to put nuclear forces on alert

October 28, 2023

Yesterday, February 27, the President of the Russian Federation ordered the Ministry of Defense to transfer the Russian nuclear deterrent forces to a special alert regime. Putin justified his decision with allegedly aggressive statements from officials of NATO countries. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: The United States and NATO responded to Vladimir Putin’s threats The White House said that the United States and NATO do not threaten Russia. Putin brought…


Caribbean: Virgin Islands St. Thomas and Magens Bay

October 25, 2023

The US Virgin Islands are a dependent of the United States a territory that includes 3 large volcanic islands: Sainte Croix, Saint Thomas and Saint John (and dozens of small ones) located in the Caribbean Sea. Although they were discovered in 1493 by Columbus, they were a major stronghold of pirates. In 1672, the Virgin Islands were divided into British and Danish. In 1917, the Danish part was bought by…


What changes are taking place in the funeral services sector today?

October 25, 2023

Ritual services traditionally offered during funerals and farewell ceremonies are increasingly undergoing changes reflecting the evolution of modern society. Today, the industry is actively adapting to new demands and expectations, offering innovative and personalized approaches to remembering the departed. Key innovations in the field of funeral services One of the main trends in funeral services has been the desire for individualization and taking into account the characteristics of each deceased….


An unknown assailant attacked a New York gubernatorial candidate with a knife.

October 22, 2023

Yesterday, July 21, in upstate New York, an unknown assailant attacked the Republican gubernatorial candidate, US Representative Lee Zeldin, with a knife. The politician miraculously managed to avoid serious injuries. The incident occurred while the congressman was speaking on a low stage in front of dozens of potential voters. The attacker stood up to Zeldin, but the politician managed to grab his wrist and buy time until the attacker was…


Abnormal heat expected in the US

October 22, 2023

Meteorologists warn about heat in about 20 states in the Southern Plains and partly in the North east. Temperatures next week will break 100-year highs for 60 million people. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: Abnormally hot weather is approaching the United States Already, a third of the US population is experiencing the effects of high temperatures, and in the next 7 days 37 degrees Celsius in 80% of the country's…


An American woman emerged from a two-year coma and identified her killer

October 20, 2023

51-year-old West Virginia resident Wanda Palmer woke up after two years in a coma to testify against the gunman who nearly killed her in June 2020. It turned out to be her own brother. The victim accused 55-year-old Daniel Palmer of attacking her at her home near Cottageville, West Virginia. A statement released by the Jackson County Sheriff's Department said the man left his relative to die. Officers found Wanda…


An armed guy eliminated a shooter who opened fire in a shopping center

October 19, 2023

Yesterday evening, July 17, at in the American city of Greenwood, Indiana, an unknown person opened fire on visitors to the Greenwood Park Mall. A man walked into a food court with a rifle and started shooting, killing three people and injuring two others. He himself was killed by a 22-year-old man who was legally carrying a firearm. Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said a man carrying a rifle…


A dwarf from Ukraine pretended to be a child and threatened to kill her adoptive family

October 18, 2023

May 29 on Investigation TV channel Discovery will release a three-part documentary, “The Curious Case of Natalia Grace.” In the trailer for it, the adoptive father of a dwarf from Ukraine sobs and slams his hands on the floor, claiming that his family was deceived and he himself was a victim. The adopted daughter with pathologies of skeletal development turned out to be not a child, but an adult woman….