A Guide to California Deserts

November 29, 2023

Deserts in California are home to many natural features. The California deserts are home to the lowest point in North America, endemic plants and animals, ghost towns, and several desert towns. Here's a guide to visiting California's deserts. Also read about how scientists revealed which desert is the largest in the world: there are actually two of them on the site imag.one. Mojave Desert   This desert is nearly 124,000…


Hands off US weather service

November 26, 2023

US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is just one of the agencies whose budget will be cut to increase defense spending. The cuts exposed the troubling pitfalls of the president's approach to budgeting: a reluctance to invest in the future, a disrespect for science and a desire to damage well-established operations by minimizing payouts. Also read why the weather in London changes so often on theuk.one. According to the…


See the Titanic and die. The sad fate of the submersible with billionaires on board

November 23, 2023

Almost already For a week, the whole world has been watching with bated breath the fate of the bathyscaphe «Titan», which went to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to the sunken «Titanic». There were 5 passengers on board and today, June 23, it became known that all of them died. Read more in USA.ONE: The tragic story of the bathyscaphe "Titan" And also all about the search and rescue…


How to Delete VIN History and Protect Your Vehicle’s Privacy

November 20, 2023

Leave the past in the past: Deleting information about VIN code Dear readers, today I would like to draw your attention on the important topic of protecting the privacy and security of your car after purchasing it from US auto auctions such asCopart, Iaai, Manheim, Adesa or Cars.com. After purchasing a car at these auctions, you may encounter an undesirable phenomenon — the disclosure of information about your private property…


Best Travel Destinations in the USA: Where to Visit in 2023

November 20, 2023

USA offer a huge variety of amazing travel destinations. Here are some of the best places to visit: Grand Canyon, Arizona The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and impressive natural wonders of the United States, located in Arizona. This enormous canyon was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years and is an impressive combination of beautiful canyon walls, grand viewpoints and unique geological formations. Here…


The USA and China are stuck in a clinch, and Russia is simply waiting for the collective West to “raise its paws”

November 20, 2023

A very interesting situation has developed in the world today, and this does not mean the confrontation between America and Russia — this confrontation over the past 100 years no longer surprises anyone, because there were times when this struggle was waged much more fiercely than now, and much more so. Therefore, the current sanctions from the United States


US landlord doesn’t want to fix leaking ceiling

November 18, 2023

A leaking ceiling in an apartment is not the same situation which you must endure. Landlords have a responsibility to maintain residential premises in a habitable condition, which usually includes following building codes. If your landlord fails to repair your leaking ceiling after notifying him of the problem, your state's occupancy laws determine what action you can take in response, such as withholding rent or terminating your lease. In some…


Flood in California: 20 dead, thousands evacuated and without power

November 18, 2023

December 25 on The United States of America was hit by a powerful ice storm that paralyzed airport operations. Many people who went to celebrate Christmas found themselves hostage to the elements. In just 12 hours, 20 cm of rain fell in California, leaving tens of thousands of homes and 100 thousand people without electricity. Since then, heavy rains, floods and landslides have not stopped. Read today in USA.ONE: Storm…


9 Miami attractions

November 15, 2023

Miami is a vibrant port city with warm weather, beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife. Beyond the sun, sand, and salsa, Miami's neighborhoods are filled with character, culture, and architecture. And read about the unusual sights of London on theuk.one website. The main attractions of Miami Vizcaya Museum and Gardens The Biscay Museum and Gardens are a true treasure of the city. The museum and gardens are an 11-hectare estate with…


Housing on credit in the USA

November 14, 2023

Such low interest rates, of course, stimulate the entire construction industry market. Real estate sales are growing above analysts' forecasts, although demand for residential real estate still remains at a relatively low level. Also read why it is profitable to buy property in the UK. Most Americans still remember the economic crisis of 2008 and are in no hurry to go into debt. Let us recall that it was precisely…