Fire on military base camp Pendleton: wounded 15 Marines

Fire on military base camp Pendleton: wounded 15 Marines

Because of a fire at a California military base camp Pendleton 15 Marines went to a local hospital with injuries of varying severity.

The cause of the fire was the fuel tank airborne tracked amphibious vehicles, which erupted directly into during the exercise. Recalling Lieutenant Paul Gainey, the Associated Press reported that the incident occurred at 9:30. At this point, the soldiers trained on the beach, located North of San Diego.

Fortunately, the incident did without lethal consequences. According to Gainey, some of the victims were sent to hospitals on the territory of the military base, and some beyond. At the moment, information about the nature of the injuries is missing.

The Marines are investigating the fire.

According to the information on the website, camp Pendleton, in the last days at the military base formed the conditions of increased fire risk. The report said increased precautions when using fireworks and a partial ban on Smoking.

