Sheriff’s deputies rescued 3-year-old child from a hot car

The Sheriff’s office the Seminole County published a video in social networks, combined with wearable camera his employee bill Dunn. In the video, recorded the rescue of a little girl from the hot car. This incident with a happy ending happened in early summer. Feel bill inside the car was over 40℃.

No time to call an ambulance, nor even to wait for her was not, so he grabbed the baby and rushed almost lifeless girl to his car. «I didn’t think the baby was alive when got to her. I then felt, did not feel a pulse. When the cold air in my car blew on it, then I noticed, that shook the eyelids,» says Dunn.

The officer quickly took the girl to the nearest emergency room. There were: the doctors quickly picked up the child and began CPR. Bill Dunn did everything I could, and it saved her life.

Three days later he visited her in the hospital.

For the third time this year, we’re proud to spotlight one of our life-saving employees. In June Deputy Bill Dunn rescued from a hot car, a three year old girl barely clinging to life.

— Seminole County S. O. (@SeminoleSO) August 16, 2018

«In the third year, we proudly talk about our employees, saving the lives of others. In June, Sheriff’s Deputy bill Dunne rescued from a hot car was nearly dead three-year-old girl.»

In the third year, we proudly talk about our employees, saving the lives of others. In June, Sheriff’s Deputy bill Dunne rescued from a hot car was nearly dead three-year-old girl.

The police reported that the girl spent the night and the first half of the day in the car, in total she stayed there for 12 hours. The child’s mother was arrested and charged.

About why Americans forget children in cars, please click here.
