Great white shark jumped out of the water in centimeters from the boy-fisherman and stole his catch (video)

At least nobody can complain that the fishing was boring.

Last Saturday, the family went on fishing in the Bay of Cape cod, was amazed when a great white shark jumped out of the water next to the boat and stole the fish from the hook of one boy.

As told to CNN by Doug Nelson and his son joined his friends in the Saturday morning walk to Cape cod Bay, off the coast of Massachusetts.

According to Nelson, one of the boys on Board got a «good size fish», so Doug grabbed his phone to take video.

Instead, he made close acquaintance with a dangerous marine predator, when the great white shark swam up to the fish boy, jumped out of the water and grabbed the catch.

Experts from the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy have confirmed that the shark was a great white.

Great white sharks live in Cape cod Bay every summer. But this summer, their vast number and proximity to the people confused by beach lovers.

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During one week in late June, the researchers saw 12 great white sharks in the Gulf near the beach.

White shark in Massachusetts are under Federal protection and the protection of the state from 1997 and 2005, respectively. And because the seals, which is one of the favorite foods of the predator protected by the law (and their numbers grow here), sharks in the area feel like home.

In September 2018 the man died after a shark attack in the waters of Cape cod near the beach. It was the first fatal shark attack in Massachusetts for more than 80 years.
