Protecting his brother from a beating, 14-year-old shot his mother

In Andover, Massachusetts, 14-year-old shot his mother. The boy’s lawyer said that his client was just defending himself and his brother.

Lisa Trammell, 41, was shot and killed in a mansion near Andover. Her two sons, aged 14 and 12 years old at the time of the accident was with her.

«The oldest boy «acted safely and legally, protecting yourself and your little brother … from the attack,» said Dan Monnat, the lawyer of the teenager. The shooter’s name the boy was not disclosed, because his case is now in court.

District attorney Marc Bennett said that the boy must appear in juvenile court on Friday.

«For many years Lisa Trimmell was a devoted, loving mother who raised two smart, polite and well-mannered boys,» said Monnat. «But the autopsy of the woman confirmed that her death is another case of alcoholism among adults, which led to tragic consequences. One of the consequences of chronic alcoholism was the physical abuse of their children».

The autopsy showed that Trammell was «acute and chronic alcoholism» and «liver cirrhosis», previously told The Eagle. The level of alcohol in the blood at the time of autopsy was 0,185, which is twice the norm for driving.

The autopsy report showed that Trammell was killed. The bullet hit her in the neck and shattered his spine. She had suffered 16 strokes with a blunt object.

«In accordance with the strict Kansas laws children have the same right to protect themselves and their brothers and sisters from repeating acts of violence, like everyone else,» said the boy’s lawyer.

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The brothers were with Trammell in the mansion that night in the court-appointed time for communication with children. Lisa and her husband, orthodontist Dr. Justin Trimmell, was going through a divorce. He moved and took the boys.

That night, she brought the sons to the mansion after a baseball game older in the West Wichita. Trimmell, being in alcoholic intoxication, began to beat the younger brother. The older boy grabbed the gun, «fearing for the life of his younger brother, as well as for their own.» He shot the mother, so she didn’t touch his brother and then called 911.

Attorney-adviser even to death Tremella found that her sons suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder caused by her regular acts of violence out of the side. Children’s therapist told her that her alcoholism may cause them to have PTSD.

Lawyers say that the boy is not immune from prosecution. They refer to Kansas Statute 21-5222 in which, in particular, says that a person has the right to use lethal force if he or she «reasonably believes the deadly force is necessary to prevent imminent death or grievous bodily harm to the person or a third person».
