This stupid video shows a man pinned between the buttocks ignited the fireworks in front of the child

A man from Scotland has been criticised by security experts after in Twitter there was a video with his participation.

The record shows, as the eyes of a small child he clamps between the buttocks fireworks. Then his friend started a fire in the rocket launcher, and the man bent over, when there was a spark.

Behind the scenes laughter is heard, and one of my friends yells, «you burnt the back of your shirt is ruined».

A flare suddenly goes off, and the sparks fall on the back of a man, so he quickly removes it before it explodes. 25-second video was viewed more than 160 million people. The name daredevil is unknown.

Spokesman for the Royal society for the prevention of accidents has criticized this video.

«Historically that about 1,000 people are treated in an ambulance for treatment of injuries related to fireworks for four weeks Nightfire Night, he said. — We recommend families enjoy the fireworks at organized the exhibition and to follow the Code of fireworks, which can be found on our website.»

Government Committee in Britain says that «irresponsible» use of fireworks should be seen as socially unacceptable, along with driving while intoxicated.
