The girl’s parents who committed suicide, filed a lawsuit against the school

The girl’s parents who committed suicide, filed a lawsuit against the school

Family, experiencing the loss of my baby, now submits to the court a school district in new Jersey because the school has not done enough to prevent the tragedy. Family 12 -year-old Mallory Grossman, claims that their daughter was the victim of cyberbullying, which brought the girl to suicide.

«Her peers loved her, she was active, but apparently that wasn’t enough to block out the taunts of the girls who disliked her,» said Diane Grossman, mother of Mallory. She said that her daughter began to mock in October 2016.

Diane tried to stop the taunts and every month associated with school leadership. But, according to the grieving mother, the school is more worried about grades than about the emotional well-being Mallory.

June 14, a few hours later, after Mallory and her mom went to talk to school leaders about these bullying, 12-year-old girl committed suicide.

And now the family is suing the school.

«They did nothing,» said Bruce Nagel, the lawyer of the family. «They ought to take action to talk to children, talk to their parents and to stop it.»

Also, the Grossman family is considering legal action against the parents of Mallory’s classmates who taunted their daughter.

According to the materials of Fox 5
