A Brooklyn resident is unable to evict the sub-tenants refusing to pay rent

A Brooklyn resident is unable to evict the sub-tenants refusing to pay rent

The Brooklyn resident, painter of Pinara Ilocana for a month is forced to endure a neighborhood unfamiliar to her, using her apartment for free. The woman was about to leave on a business trip for 2 months and decided to make a little money, surrendering his apartment to subtenants at the time of his absence. She signed up on the website listingsproject.com and agreed to surrender the apartment to the girl who said that she studied architecture at Harvard University. Then it all happened as expected. Subtenant has made a $ 2,500 down payment for the first month of residence and moved in. As the artist quietly went abroad.

On return, October 13, Pinara just couldn’t get into his apartment. The door was locked from the inside on the chain. The woman called the police. But what was her surprise when in unrecognizable apartment, cluttered with dozens of boxes, the woman saw not only his friend but also her boyfriend and their Pets. The artist says that it took her 3-4 days to realize that her apartment is home to 7 cats. Moreover, the subtenants refused to move out and not have to pay the monthly rent.

A Brooklyn resident is unable to evict the sub-tenants refusing to pay rent

To help Pinera immediately one could not, because, as a learned woman from an experienced lawyer, new York law protects from eviction not only the tenants, but subtenants. To all, it’s coming to winter, which further complicates the eviction process. In court, «new neighbor» Binary convinced the judge that she abused her, not allowing to store products in your fridge. The result – the judge issued an order on the protection of sub-tenants from eviction. Only a month later, quite by accident Pinera managed to find on one of the forums information that it is not the only and not first deceived «Harvard». It turns out that similar cases of subletting from fraudsters, and last time she also refused to pay the rent. The last victim of fraud stated that it took her 7 months and $ 40,000 on legal feesto finally evict unscrupulous subtenants. Perhaps the court will take into account the last «experience» of fraudsters and finally solve this problem.
