The victim was «pornobest» for the first time in the history of the United States received $6.4 million

Unprecedented penalties for «revenge porn» has occurred in California for the first time in U.S. history a court has ordered to pay the victim of bullying of$6.4 million.

In 2013, Jane DOE (name changed) broke up with her boyfriend, David K. Elam, not even knowing what’s in store for her turn. Jilted lover promised to make her life «so miserable that she wants to kill herself,» and kept his promise. On behalf of Jane’s ex-boyfriend was posting intimate photos and video of her on pornographic websites, more than that — to text on Dating sites.

A year later, when the situation became unbearable, the girl submitted on her tormentor in a California district court.

Who had taken it for Eliza D’amico , a lawyer specializing in privacy issues and abuses on the Internet, stated that «the law in this area is imperfect.» The case, DOE was one of the first trials opened in the framework of the Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project , an initiative established in 2014 by a law firm in Pittsburgh K&L Gates for challenge of online harassment.

In the end, after 4 years of litigation, the judge ruled in favour of the victim and requiring the defendant to pay compensation in the amount of $6.4 million: $450 million for copyright infringement, $3 million for causing severe emotional suffering and $3 million for other damages, including harassment and harm from the illicit use of Internet data plaintiff.
