Congress against the Americans ate dogs or cats

Last week, lawmakers on Capitol hill has put forward a proposal on the prohibition of eating the meat of dogs and cats, but not because Americans are eating their Pets.

According to supporters of the initiative, the purpose of the proposed measures is to maintain international activists for animal rights. If the law is passed, the ban would send a clear signal that the United States denounce the trade of dog and cat meat in East Asia, said the Executive Director of the Legislative Fund the SPCA Sarah Amundson. The organization estimates that every year 30 million dogs become food, mainly in China and South Korea.

In the US, almost no recorded cases of eating dogs or cats. By analysing newspaper articles over the last 10 years, managed to find only one case when in 2008 the staff of the Golf club in Hawaii stole a German shepherd and ate it. And over the past three decades, known only to four similar incidents.

But activists for animal rights have expressed concern that in the absence of a specific prohibition of such a practice could secretly to continue. Only in six States the law prohibits the consumption of meat of dogs and cats (Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, new York, Virginia and California). In Congress propose to introduce such a ban at the state level. If the bill nevertheless is accepted, then the person has committed a criminal offense, will have to pay a fine or go to jail for up to one year.

«The adoption of such a policy suggests that the United States will not tolerate this disturbing practice in our country, — said a member of the house of representatives Jeff Denham, a Republican from California, who introduced the bill last week. — This will demonstrate our unity with other countries that have banned the use of meat of dogs and cats, and it strengthens the existing international initiatives to curb the practice in the world.»
