Residents of Texas are warning that their sites can redeem for the construction of the Mexican wall

Americans living in the immediate vicinity of the border with Mexico, and complain about the actions of the US authorities. They got the notification that owned land can be used for the construction of the us-Mexican wall. The residents whose areas are under the threat of foreclosure, dissatisfied with the level of compensationthat they offer.

According to preliminary information, initially, the owners of border areas received the letter from the army corps of engineers and U.S. Immigration and customs enforcement (ICE). They reported that in the near future it will come to expert assessment of land. He will have to figure out what part of the real estate may redeem under construction, and propose for it the corresponding price.

Residents of Texas are warning that their sites can redeem for the construction of the Mexican wall

At the moment there are about 200 plots, which are partially or completely withdrawn in favor of the state structures. Photo: flickr/CC/jonathanmcintosh/

Some time later, the inhabitants of the region began to complain that the compensation they offer is very low and does not correspond to modern realities. For example, the residents of the border town of Roma (Texas) says: the evaluator said that the authorities need to buy 46 square meters of land and offered it for…$500. Thus, according to the owner of the site, the minimum value of this site is $1.5 million, that is 3 times more.

In another city , Escobares, the people promise to oppose any attempt of alienation of land in favour of the us-Mexican wall. People don’t want to close them was a 9-meter fence, which in some cases is almost directly adjacent to residential areas. Notice of redemption here, even got the mayor, Noelle Acabar.

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«I go out to the backyard, and I propose to enjoy views of the 9-foot wall?» — expresses the indignation of the mayor.

At the moment there are about 200 plotsthat are partially or fully be redeemed in favor of the state structures. Whether the US authorities to solve the issue of compensation by way of compromise or go to trial is still unknown.
