In the US, the fate of bills prohibiting abortion

In the United States at the legislative meetings of the States in 2019 adopted a number of bills aimed at restricting access to abortion, writes Newsweek. Due to the sensitive nature of the regulated subject, many of the adopted laws are awaiting their fate.

In several States laws were passed that called restrictive and challenged in the courts. For example, the case of the Supreme court «ROE V. Wade» has confirmed that the fourteenth amendment makes abortion legal, but leaves the authorities the right to regulate them in the second and third trimesters to determine fetal viability.

Supreme Court sides with Planned Parenthood, refuses to hear case by anti-abortion activists

— The Hill (@thehill) April 2, 2019

So, it is reported that the Senate of North Dakota overwhelmingly voted to ban abortion procedures in the second trimester.

The legislators of Alabama will present a bill that will make it a criminal offence to abortion at any stage of pregnancy if the mother’s health is not under threat. If adopted, it will become the most restrictive in the country and is sure to be challenged in court, reports The Bismarck Tribune.

Some States, including Mississippi and Kentucky, have signed bills that prohibit abortion after a fetus was recognized as viable. The law defines a viable fetus when it can survive outside the womb, and when it detects his heartbeat.

When anti-abortion activist Janet Porter first introduced the idea of a «heartbeat» bill in 2011, she was almost laughed rated out of the room.

A decade later, GOP lawmakers around the country are rushing to adopt her signature legislation:

— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) March 30, 2019

Each state has its own laws, but there are a few General rules for most such laws. In several States physicians before performing an abortion are forced to provide women with the opportunity to listen to the fetal heartbeat or see an ultrasound. Women can have this treatment only after signing a special form.

Many States want to ban abortion in cases when the decision is made based on the sex of the child or the diagnosis of fetal down syndrome. Also prohibits surgical abortion method, dilation and evacuation, which is performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

You know abortion opponents are doing everything they can to control our bodies when nearly 50% of the hundreds of anti-abortion bills introduced this year have been *bans on abortion.* #StopTheBans

— Action Planned Parenthood (@PPact) March 31, 2019

According to the American pregnancy Association, such States as Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina and Washington propose to ban this procedure. But human rights activists argue that the bill actually prohibits abortion.

«When you prohibit this method, it is actually a complete ban on abortion at 15 weeks pregnant because this is the only method that is available to conduct most of these operations after 14 weeks», says analyst public policy Institute of Halmahera Elizabeth Nash.

Also representatives of the Institute said that in the period from January to 20 March 2019 across the country were entered 304 the limitations on abortion.
