Trump will simplify the process of eliminating same-sex couples to adopt children

According to the source Axios in the White house, President trump is planning to simplify the procedure for the refusal of same-sex couples to adopt children. This solution promises to be yet another blow to the policy of fight against LGBTIQ discrimination, introduced by the previous administration.

Being the head of state, Obama has banned to provide to adoption agencies refusing to work with same-sex parents access to Federal funding. Religious groups have repeatedly complained about imposed rules, arguing that this policy violates their rights and forced to go against beliefs.

According to the source, now the administration is considering two possible ways of development: either to abolish the existing rules or to make exceptions for religious organizations. So far, the second option is more likely, — adds the source — as is likely to be better perceived in the court. However, the final decision is still pending.

Presumably, Health and Human Services Department»s Office of Civil Rights will make a formal announcement in July.

This will not only move trump in support of religious organizations and anti-discrimination policies against Obama. This morning the Office for civil rights also announced the abolition of rules that prohibit doctors to discriminate against transgender people.
