Trump plans to cut access to food stamps. They will lose more than 3 million people

The next day after President trump and the Democrats agreed to increase Federal spending in the next two years, the White house announced that it plans to restrict access to food stamps — leaving more than 3 million Americans.

According to the Minister of agriculture Sonny Purdue, the hitherto rules allowed owners of certain Federal benefits automatically apply for food stamps. The new system will be directed to take action against States, «abused the flexibility» of the existing laws and ensure that «food stamp benefits will be only those who need it most».

According to forecasts, this step would deprive an estimated 9% of the families receiving it at the moment — about 3.1 million people. Thus, over the next 5 years the government will save $1.9 billion a year.

In addition, the new rules will ban to food stamp benefits to families whose earnings exceed the Federal poverty threshold for more than 130% in that time, as now in some States it is sufficient that it does not exceed the threshold more than doubled. If the proposal is accepted, annual income for a family of 4 people applying for food stamp benefits, will be approximately $32,640.

The plan was criticized by Senator Debbie Stabeno of the Agriculture Committee and the speaker of the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi.

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«This proposal — said Pelosi is a clear example of the cynical strategy of the Republican party that gives billions to corporations and the rich, then steals from children, veterans, the elderly and hard working families to offset the expenses».

«These laws will leave entire families without food, added Stabeno — will deprive children of school dinners and make it more difficult for States aid for the needy».
