The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky

The Laurel County police found the house full of garbage and rotting food, 4 children aged 2 to 12 years. The officers came with a warrant for the eviction of the owners and suddenly found that young children live in terrible conditions.

«What we came up with an eviction notice, a huge success. If not for him, we would never know about what is happening. — said a police officer Acciardo in conversation PHILOSOPHY — it’s Incredible that children lived in such conditions.»

The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The County Sheriff’s office Laurel

Officers arrested the owners of the house: the 39-year-old Christopher Bowling and 34-year-old Brandy Bowling. They were charged with 4 counts of crimes against children under 12. Children taken by the social services. In the past the police has received no complaints on this house.

Officers say that he could not believe his eyes when he saw what made his house owners. In the photos, which were published by the Sheriff’s office, the room is literally littered with piles of garbage and rot.

News SMI2

The kitchen is dirty dishes, leftover food and packaging from takeaway food everywhere: on the floor, in the sink and on the stove. The bathroom floor was buried under a pile of dirty rags, diapers and toilet paper.

The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky The County Sheriff’s office Laurel

Crib filled to the brim with all kinds of things: toys, clothes, trash. The children sleep on dirty mattresses without sheets. The living room is a Christmas tree, and walls are decorated with Christmas lights. There is not the slightest hint that it was removed.

The parents refused to give comments, they were placed in pre-trial detention center in Laurel.

The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky Christopher Bowling The police found 4 children aged 2 to 12 years in home full of garbage and rotten food in Kentucky Brandy Bowling
