Sex offenders sued for the fact that the police hung on their houses, signs warning children not to come here on Halloween

The judge in Georgia will decide whether to allow police to place on the homes was sex-offender warning signs that children are not knocking on their door during Halloween.

Last year, County Sheriff Butts Gary long ordered his helpers put up signs with the inscription: «Caution! Not to ask for candy at this location!» in front of the houses more than 200 sex offenders.

Convicted sex offenders are suing the Butts County Sheriff to try to stop him from posting signs in their yards warning trick-or-treaters to stay away: #uplateATL #11Alive

— Jon Shirek (@JonShirek) October 23, 2019

But in September, three of them filed a Federal lawsuit against the Sheriff’s office. Christopher Reid, Reginald Holden and Corey McClendon convicted of sexual offences, saying the signs violated their constitutional rights and cause them to have a sense of «fear, shame, and emotional distress.»

Senior counsel trio mark Juracek said state law does not require that offenders have exhibited in front of the plate, so law enforcement is not allowed to do it.

«They came on their property. Under state law the Sheriff has the right to publish a list of registered sex offenders in his office in the courthouse or on the Internet, but this does not allow him to go door to door, telling people that a sex offender lives in the neighborhood,» said Juracek.

He added that these people had the courage to admit to the public that they are registered sex offenders, but do not want to tolerate illegal action on the part of the Sheriff.

The Sheriff long said that regardless of the judge’s decision, he «will do everything within the letter of the law to protect children of the community.»

But in the counties of Monroe and Lamar people who have committed sex crimes had last year to spend Halloween at the Sheriff’s office if you didn’t want to put a warning sign in his yard.
