McCain: a bill to repeal Obamacare is dead

McCain: a bill to repeal Obamacare is dead

Republican Senator John McCain said Sunday that Republican bill to repeal Obamacare «will probably be dead.»

«My opinion — he is likely dead,» he said in an interview with CBS Face the Nation.

McCain: a bill to repeal Obamacare is dead

Support of the bill was significantly reduced as a result of the break, announced on 4 July. McCain said that, in his opinion, Republicans should work with Democrats on drafting legislation on health care.

This option was previously proposed last week by the Senate majority leader Mitch Macconnell, who said: «No action is not an option».

The Republicans need at least 51 votes, the law was approved, but today this goal seems unattainable.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Sunday that he would support the proposed Republican bill, adding: «I think this bill is better than Obamacare».

«If we can unite, I don’t know,» said Graham in an interview with NBC. «Mitch is trying. I would have supported the proposed bill, but the Republican party has a different camp».

«My advice is that if he fails, it is necessary to work together in a bipartisan manner to replace it,» he said.
