12 strange laws still in force in the United States

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/12/1a7ee01d8c59e57e8e7dffbd1e1890ac.jpg" alt="12 strange laws still in force in the United States" /> 1. Skiing drunkenness

Laws, prohibiting drunk driving exist all over the world. They are absolutely correct, logical and do not cause objections to anyone. If we talk about the United States, then in some states they also apply to vehicles such as bicycles, scooters and tractors. However, Wyoming went farthest in this regard — here a special legal act prohibits getting drunk on skis. Such a drunken trick is considered a minor offense. The harshest punishment for her is administrative arrest for a period of twenty days.

2. Driving blindfolded 12 strange laws still in force in the United States

There is a rather successful speech cliche: «I know the road so well that I can drive along it blindfolded.» Apparently, the legislators of the state of Alabama considered that life is full of all sorts of eccentrics, and some of them can really decide on something like that. In order to protect pedestrians, oncoming cars, lampposts and other infrastructure facilities, the authorities by a strong-willed decision forbade driving vehicles, limiting vision with a physical obstacle in the form of a bandage.

3. Horse speed limit

In the old days, Indiana people loved to arrange horse races in the most unsuitable places for this, for example, on city streets. This posed a serious danger to pedestrians, so the state passed a law that prohibited horse riding at a speed of more than 10 miles per hour (16 km/h) anywhere in this administrative unit of the United States. In recent decades, it has lost its relevance, but it continues to operate. Apparently, in case humanity has to change to horses again.

4. Bigfoot protection

Bigfoot is the American equivalent of Bigfoot, or, as they call him, the Yeti. The existence of this representative of the megafauna has not yet been proven by anyone, however, many US residents believe that he is hiding from people, so they regularly go to the forests, mountains and other secluded corners of the country in search of him. Some of these oddballs leave on their expeditions armed, in connection with which the authorities of Washington state passed a law in 1969, according to which shooting at Bigfoot is a felony and is punishable by five years in prison. It should be added that here these mysterious creatures are recognized as an endangered species.

5. Hated raccoons 12 strange laws still in force in the United States

Washington is not the only state with eccentric fishing rules. Virginia, for example, can boast of them. This part of the United States is famous for its rich hunting traditions. Many locals regularly go outdoors to shoot birds and mammals for dinner. It is allowed to do this on any day of the week, except Sunday, but this is not surprising. Similar restrictions apply in many states. The funny thing is that Virginia makes an exception for one species of animals, namely raccoons. They can be killed anywhere and anytime, including on Sunday. Why they so angered local lawmakers is anyone's guess.

6. Frog starts

In the United States, a very strange sport enjoys some popularity. They scare the frogs, after which they look to see which of them jumped from the source of danger further than its competitor. From time to time, this stress ends tragically, and the California authorities have done everything possible to ensure that the corpses of the dead «athletes» are treated appropriately. The state has a law that prohibits start organizers from using amphibian carcasses for cooking. This means that the owner of a dead frog cannot compensate for the bitterness from its loss by eating it. It's a shame, isn't it?

7. Cucumbers

In Connecticut, pickles are taken incredibly seriously. The latter, undoubtedly, are extremely disgusting if they are too soft, so here they decided to ensure the quality of the product through a special law. It says that any pickled cucumber sold in the state should bounce off it when it falls to the floor. It may seem that this delusional legal act has never been applied in practice, but this is not the case. Back in 1948, two negligent sellers who sold cucumbers that were too soft were brought to justice.

8. Harassment of pizza delivery men

The pizza and ready-to-eat delivery vendors make mistakes from time to time by ringing the doorbell for people who have not ordered anything. This can happen as a result of a stupid prank, and if the client inadvertently indicated the wrong address. Nevertheless, it always gives rise to very unpleasant feelings. As for a delivery man who is deprived of his honestly earned money, so for a citizen disturbed in vain, who can only smell the yummy, but not bite off it. Be that as it may, in Louisiana, sending ready-made food to a person who did not actually order it is considered harassment. Practice shows that even a person who accidentally made a mistake with the delivery address can pay a fine of $ 500 for an offense.

9. Bureaucracy on the warpath with bureaucracy

Sometimes legislators open their eyes, and they realize that they cannot regulate something all the time. One of the most striking cases of this kind occurred in 2013, as a result of the excessively turbulent activities of the Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg. This official was known for his passionate desire to limit everything that his hands could reach. He outlawed large-sized soda and required cafes and restaurants to count the calories in their meals and report them to customers. The Mississippi authorities realized that they did not want to see such unbridled bureaucracy, so they passed a law prohibiting municipal officials from demanding information about the nutritional value of food in public catering establishments. What is the result? Another bureaucratic «masterpiece» that everyone is making fun of.

10. Bingo! 12 strange laws still in force in the United States

Bingo is a quiet, leisurely gambling game that older people in the United States are most likely to indulge in. This is a good, kind tradition that helps to brighten up the last years of life. However, one must understand that old people are naturally irritable, so their mass gatherings often end in uniform scandals, which can easily turn into a scuffle. North Carolina authorities have decided to combat this unpleasant phenomenon with a ban on the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at gathering places for bingo players.

11. Pinball

In South Carolina, meanwhile, there are restrictions on the opposite age group — minors. They are not allowed to play pinball. Apparently, the legislators at some point decided that this game was too gambling and could put the younger generation on the pernicious path of gambling addiction. This is probably the only place on the entire planet where children cannot walk up to a typical automaton and play a ball inside it with peace of mind.

12. Fighting bears

The latest legal act for today may give the impression that some special people live in Louisiana: either too tough and strong, or too stupid. How else to explain the fact that they are not allowed to fight bears by a separate law? Sources do not say whether at least one person was prosecuted under this article, but the sanction is here just in case — a fine of five hundred dollars and imprisonment for up to six months.
