California adopted the law on the official state nut

California adopted the law on the official state nut

On Monday Governor Jerry brown signed a bill according to which almonds, pecans, walnuts and pistachio nuts have become the state. The reason for this unusual act was the guys from elementary school in Merced.

A group of students noticed that we joke and call California «The Land of Fruit and Nuts’» is not quite right, because in California there is no official nuts. The juniors wrote a letter to the state representative and state Assemblyman, Adam gray, to make the almonds the official nut of the state. «We found that we are underrepresented, because we have no official walnut in the state. In other States, such as Arkansas, Texas and Missouri have official nuts,» said teacher Margaret Sheehy.

Grey took note of their request and handed the bill to a vote. A few guys even got to the Capitol at a hearing of the bill in may. But it turned out that California grows a lot of nuts and the almonds added the rest. California produces 98% of pistachios in the US and 99% of retail deliveries of a walnut.

