Glossary of US legal terms

Glossary of US legal terms

Replacement is a reduction in the sentence, starting from the death penalty to life imprisonment.

Co-defendants — several people arrested and charged with the same criminal incident.

Comparative malpractice is a legal doctrine in New Mexico whereby the actions of opposing parties in a delicate matter are compared to determine each party's liability, with each party only liable for its own percentage of fault. See also complicity in negligence.

Glossary of US legal terms

Compensatory damages — damages awarded as compensation to the non-violating or injured party.

Right to be tried — To be competent to stand trial, a person must have the ability to understand the nature and purpose of the proceedings, consult with a lawyer, and assist in the preparation of their defence.

Due process prohibits the government from prosecuting defendants, who cannot stand trial.

Competent Witness — Everyone is considered to be a competent witness. When a party questions the competence of a witness, the judge must determine the ability of the witness to observe, recall and report what he or she testified and that the witness understands their duty to be truthful. sues; one who applies to the court for legal protection. Also called plaintiff.

Complaint — [civil] The original documents filed in a civil action that specifies the claim for which compensation is sought; in the complaint, the plaintiff points to the offenses allegedly committed by the defendant. [Criminal Law] A written statement under oath showing that the complainant has reason to believe that the accused has violated criminal law.

Glossary of US legal terms

Conciliation is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties refer their dispute to a neutral third party that helps reduce tension, improve communication and explore possible solutions . Conciliation is similar to mediation, but may be less formal.

Concurrent Jurisdiction — More than one court has the power to hear and resolve specific types of disputes.

Concurrent Sentences — Sentences of imprisonment for more than one offense that must be served simultaneously rather than one after the other.

Conviction — a legal process by which the government takes private land for public use, paying the owners a fair price determined by the court.

Release conditions — the conditions under which the arrested person is released pending trial.

Consecutive Sentences — Consecutive prison sentences, one beginning after the other, given to a person found guilty of two or more crimes.

Glossary of US legal terms

Guardianship is the legal right granted to a person to administer the property and financial affairs of a person who is deemed incapable of doing so on his own. (See also guardianship. Guardians have somewhat less responsibility than guardians.)

Consideration is a benefit or right that we have agreed upon. A consideration may be a promise to do a certain action—for example, a promise to deliver goods, a promise not to do something, a payment, or a promise to pay money, among others. Whatever its features, consideration should be something of value to the people making the contract.

Consolidation — combining two or more separately filed criminal or civil complaints so that the charges can be considered together.

Contempt of court — behavior aimed at belittling the dignity of the court. As well as willful disobedience to a verbal or written order of a judge. There are two types of disrespect: direct and indirect. When offensive (contemptuous) behavior occurs in front of a judge, disrespect is direct and may be subject to disciplinary action. Any other behavior not witnessed by the referee is an indirect disrespect. Before punishing indirect contempt, the court must notify the accused party and give them an opportunity to be heard. See also Civil contempt and criminal contempt.

Continuation — adjournment of trial or hearing.

Smuggling — items prohibited by law.

A contract is an agreement between two or more people that creates an obligation to do or not to do a certain thing. The contract must promise or give something of value, and there must be reasonable agreement between the parties as to what the contract means. The parties must be legally capable of entering into binding agreements.

Complicit negligence is a legal doctrine that prevents a plaintiff in a civil action from recovering a defendant for his/her negligence if the plaintiff has also been negligent. New Mexico has abandoned the contributory negligence doctrine in favor of comparative negligence.
