Before and after: the couple shared a hilarious photo of how exhausting can be the wedding day

A pair of newlyweds decided to share fun photos, which they captured before and after the party after the ceremony.

The pair shared a flawless photo taken at the beginning of the day and placed next to your photo in the late evening. «Our wedding pictures before and after, was powerful,» wrote they.

In the picture «to» the party both the bride and the groom is dressed, that is, to the nines. Curls bridesmaid neatly stacked and pinned back in an elegant hairstyle and her makeup just looks flawless. The groom, at the same time, looks fresh and neat in a neat blue suit and yellow flowers and green flowers inserted in the buttonhole.

Before and after: the couple shared a hilarious photo of how exhausting can be the wedding day

But the «after» looks very different from the first. He paints a different picture, showing the young wife with the scattered in disorder hair, slightly gathered into a ponytail and smeared makeup. As for the young husband, he had left his tie and jacket seems a little worse for wear after a long day.

However, Reddit users found many kind words for the couple and praised them for what seemed to them an incredible party. One of them commented: «This is hilarious. You look gorgeous! And, it looks like it was fun!»

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Couple added: «it Was amazing and it was a joy to hear that many of the guests said it was the best party they have ever been! It is a great honor for us, that’s what makes all this wedding stress worth it».


Several users asked the couple advice, and still others said too, take pictures before and after, which will mark the end of their wedding day.

But perhaps the nicest pair made one user that took the newlyweds to the wedding photos of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. «I just skimmed down and thought for a moment that this photo of Megan and Harry. Ha, you guys are gorgeous! Congratulations, looks like a VERY joyful wedding» — he wrote. The couple was overjoyed from these warm words.

There were some users who commended the newlyweds for not put any stain on their bright outfits.

«And no blemishes! Great job» — admired by someone.
