Hillary Clinton will no longer run for high office

Hillary Clinton will no longer run for high office

The former candidate in presidents , Hillary Clinton refused future election campaigns to high public office, as it continues to rebound after the elections, which expected to win.

«I’m done with it,» said Clinton in an interview with «CBS This Morning», thus not confirming the rumors that he will run again – either for President or for the post of mayor of new York.

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But former first lady and Senator also assured that it is not running out of big politics and remains in the game as «the future of the country is at stake».

The interview was part of an advertising campaign of a book of memoirs, Clinton «What happened»in which a politician talks about past presidential elections.

69-year-old Hillary in the book talking about their mistakes, but also lays part of the blame on a number of other factors – including the notorious intervention by the Russian hackers.

According to Clinton, her biggest mistake is the failure to recognize that too many Americans «have reached a boiling point because of the financial crisis.»

«But I believed that my responsibility to try to give answers to their questions, and not to add fuel to the fire of their anger. I think it was a mistake, because many simply did not want to hear my plans. They wanted me to share in their discontent. I ought to show more understanding,» — said Hillary Clinton.

Also in the interview Clinton rather dramatically put it in relation to the current President of Donald trump, calling his campaign «reality show».

«And here he finally gets to the Oval office. And said, «God, this is a lot harder than I thought. It is very difficult. I had no idea». Well, Yes, because it’s not a show. It is a reality».
