States withdraw diplomats from Cuba and urge tourists not to visit the island

States withdraw diplomats from Cuba and urge tourists not to visit the island

The United States withdraw more than half of the staff of the Embassy in Cuba because of the «acoustic attacks on diplomats» and warn travelers about some of the incidents have occurred in Cuban hotels.

About it reports Associated Press citing a senior official.

States withdraw diplomats from Cuba and urge tourists not to visit the island

The Embassy also will stop processing visas for an indefinite period.

In the new travel warning says that some attacks have happened to Americans in the hotels, and citizens of the United States can be threatened. By the way, tourism is one of the most important items of income of the economy «Islands of freedom».

We will remind, in August the representative of the US state Department reported that at least 21 American diplomat with families affected by the «acoustic attack» while in Cuba.

Us investigators still don’t know what or who is behind the attacks, but some staff at the Embassy received serious injuries – for example, hearing loss. Initially, the State Department avoided the word «attack,» calling the incident «incident», but today it was stated it was about «attacks on American employees.»

The United States informed Cuba of its decision through the Embassy in Washington. Reaction from the Cuban authorities yet.

According to officials, Cubans who wish to obtain visas to enter the U.S. can apply through embassies in neighbouring countries.

The US will also cease to send an official delegation to Cuba, although diplomatic meetings will continue in Washington.
