Jeff sessions is ready to testify before the Senate after the speech of Komi

Jeff sessions is ready to testify before the Senate after the speech of Komi

Attorney General Jeff sessions has agreed to appear before the intelligence Committee of the Senate investigating an alleged Russian interference in the US presidential elections in 2016.

In his letter to Senator Richard Shelby, sent on Saturday, sessions wrote that he had decided about testifying in light of the recent speech before the Senate earlier dismissed the head of the FBI James Komi.

Earlier sessions were planned to take part in the meeting of the appropriations Committee, but changed his plans. In his letter to U.S. attorney General calls the intelligence Committee the «most appropriate forum» to determine issues that arose after the speech of the Komi Republic.

Will there be readings and Roman sessions will be held in public or behind closed doors – not yet known.

We will remind, earlier sessions have withdrawn from the investigation of Russian intervention. During the testimony of former FBI Director Comey has explained this step the fact that the Federal Bureau was aware of certain facts due to which further participation in the investigation and Roman sessions would be problematic.
