The US has accused Russia of human rights violations in the Crimea, in the Donbas and in Chechnya

Acting U.S. Secretary of State John Sullivan in his speech at the annual report described Russia and China as «areas of instability«. The representative of the United States has put these countries on a par with North Korea and Iran.

Sullivan said that such States regularly violate fundamental human rights. In neighbouring regions there is economic and social unrest. In his speech, the official highlighted some lines of criticism of the Russian Federation.

«We again demand that Russia stop the terrible occupation of the Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula, to stop the violations committed in the Donbas illegal forces under the leadership of Russia, and to draw attention to the impunity of human rights violations in Chechnya,» said John Sullivan.

Earlier, the UN released a report which reported on the numerous facts of violationsthat occurred on the territory of Russia. In the report special attention is paid to the Crimea and occupied Donbas.

In addition to the situation in the Russian Federation, the US State Department noted the steady deterioration of civil rights in the territory of China, Turkey, Iran, and Venezuela. According to analysts, the governments of these countries deliberately restrict the freedom of the person, using the state machine against its own people.
