The U.S. Senate voted to end support for Saudi coalition in Yemen

Contrary to the requirements of the White house, the Senate adopted on Thursday a Resolution on cessation of support for one of the belligerents in the civil war in Yemen. The project of this decision has been introduced by senators Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee. USA stops financial aid to the so-called coalition and ensuring Saudi aircraft participating in the coalition.

Sen. Bernie Sanders thanks his colleagues for a bipartisan effort to pass a bill restricting US involvement in the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen: «Today, we tell the despotic regime in Saudi Arabia that we will not be part of their military adventurism»

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) November 13, 2018

The coalition, which was supported by the US and the administration of the tramp fought in Ymenu against Pro-Iranian groups close to ISIS. However, the de facto leader of the coalition is Saudi Arabia, which has extensive economic interests in Yemen.

It is time for the United States Congress to tell the despotic government of Saudi Arabia that we do not intend to follow their lead in their military adventurism. Speaking live now:

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) February 13, 2018

After the murder of journalist Khashoggi, the Saudi Consulate, many us politicians demanded trump stop support of the Saudi dynasty. «It is time that the Congress of the United States said the despotic government of Saudi Arabia that we do not intend to follow their example, in their military adventurism,» said the initiator of the resolution, Senator Sanders
