Dead billionaire David Koch

According to sources close to the family, the billionaire and philanthropist David Koch died at the age of 79 years.

Koch and his brother, Charles, were co-owners of the second largest private company in the U.S. — Koch Industries, specializing in the energy and chemical industries. David ran Koch Industries from 1983 until last year. He retired due to health problems.

«For us this is a huge loss. — wrote a senior from Koch after his departure — the Company lacks its contribution and insightful questions.»

The Koch brothers actively participated in the creation of extensive networks of patrons, conservatives for organizations urging Americans to vote for candidates with Pro-Republican views on the economic course of the country. They also repeatedly criticized the democratic party for its «excessive» influence on economic policy. Nevertheless, David and Charles refused to invest in funds in the presidential elections of 2016 and to support any of the candidates.

He started a tantrum at the checkout Trader Joe’s — so the staff has composed a song for him and tantsevalnogo year-old boy threw a little tantrum in line at the cashier at Trader Joe’s, three officers saved the situation. They composed a song and dance for the baby, but the boy’s mother, Alexandra Seba from …August 21, 2019, 07:00

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