Senator Bernie Sanders supported the candidacy of the Democrats, Joe Biden for President

Senator Bernie Sanders supported the former Vice-President Joe Biden, who is running for President from the Democratic party, said, «we need You in the White house.»

«I ask every Democrat, every independent, I ask, I ask many Republicans to unite in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I support,» said Sanders.

Wednesday, April 8, Sanders withdrew from the presidential race, effectively making Biden the only competitor to Donald trump in the election in November.

Support Sanders can give Biden a boost to rally young liberals the party that supported Sanders in 2016 and again in 2020.

Biden called the approval «great job», including for him personally.

Sanders said his staff worked with staff of Biden, to create a number of «task groups» to address the pressing problems of today, listing the economy, education, climate, criminal justice, immigration reform and healthcare.

«It’s no secret, Joe, that you and I have our differences, and we are not going to hide them. This is really so, Sanders said. But I hope that this task force will gather together, using the best minds and people in your campaign and my campaign to develop real solutions to these very important problems.»
