Sisters learned of the death of his father in a nursing home in a week

Sisters learned of the death of his father in a nursing home in a week

Meiko, along with his sister went to the nursing home United Medical Centerto visit her 70-year-old father Bradford brown. The receptionist told them that a patient with that name in the institution not.

When the sisters rose to the floor where the chamber of their father, learned from the nurse that my father is no longer alive. Shocked when the women filed a formal appeal to the UMC, they replied that they «considered the circumstances of this case and confirmed that the hospital followed all appropriate protocols, including timely notification of the next of kin».

Sisters learned of the death of his father in a nursing home in a week

As it turned out, July 26, the nurse called friend of the family An-NASA Osiris Bay, and reported the death of Mr. brown. Mr. Bay, in turn, claims that the nursing home representative did not say any words of condolences, and only said that Mr. brown was transferred to the ICU because of breathing problems.

According to the brown sisters, they have also had problems with the search for the body of the deceased. Meiko brown made a few calls to the hospital and the forensic team to find his father’s body. But no one was able to name its exact location until the body was finally delivered to the office of coroner in a few days.

Relatives of Mr. brown said that they hope to quickly forget about the incident after the body of their father is no longer a ward of the hospital.

As reported by DCist, the hospital was faced with financial, infrastructural and operational challenges, which affects patients for many years. Member of the Board of the East End Vincent gray stressed that the situation with Mr brown revealed «the inadequacy of services in the field of health care for residents» and should prompt the authorities to act faster to ensure the equality of citizens in matters of health.
