Scorpio on Board prevented the aircraft to take off

Scorpio on Board prevented the aircraft to take off

Airline flight on American Airlines from Sacramento to Chicago was cancelled on Sunday due to the small, but highly undesirable passenger on Board.

Crew members noticed a Scorpion on Board the Boeing 737, after which they reported more than 100 passengers waiting to Board an aircraft at the airport in Sacramento. The night before the accident the aircraft was in Phoenix, and, most likely, just then a little stowaway snuck inside.

Scorpio on Board prevented the aircraft to take off

The representative of American Airlines, Leslie Scott, told the newspaper the Sacramento Bee that the decision about the cancellation was made in order to ensure a comfortable stay on Board for passengers and crew.
All passengers who were to fly 2672 in Chicago, was given tickets on other planes.

Scott also reported that the plane was sent to Fort worth in Dallas for disinfection.

The crew members were not able to determine the species of Scorpion, but despite their deadly reputation, only 25 of the 1,500 known species have venomthat is able to kill people.
