Popular plain piece of fruit with a cute name

Popular plain piece of fruit with a cute name

Have you ever tried a fruit called pawpaw?

Despite the fact that the plant that bears this fruit, is endemic in North America, little heard, but because of his surprising taste in the near future it may become a new avocado.

Popular plain piece of fruit with a cute name

September is the season pawpaw in most States of the USA. Right now few gardeners collect the soft ripe fruit of the plant, which is called pawpaw, and gently put them in containers so as not to damage the thin and delicate rind. They sell them at the farmers markets and in online stores for almost $ 15 per pound, positioning the fruits as delicacies.

Now pawpaw is not found in conventional grocery stores, but the American Indians collected them and actively used in food. Say that George Washington loved to be pampered with chilled pawpaw fruit for dessert. But a large part of the natural habitat pawpaw were destroyed by man, and to cultivate the pawpaw – not a simple task for the gardener. These plants need slightly acidic, well-drained soils, and their collection is a long laborious task.

Not all farmers are willing to spend a lot of time and effort to the cultivation of pawpaw, but interest in the fetus is constantly growing. There are more recipes with this fruit, and restaurants are beginning to offer a variety of desserts such as pies and ice cream. Even Breweries are interested in pawpaw, and some have already brewed a beer with him.

Fruit already has acquired several nicknames, for example, the Prestigious Quaker, Mango Hillbilly and hipster banana.

Most interesting thing about the pawpaw is unusual taste. Different people define it differently. Some say these fruits resemble a cross between a mango and a banana, others feel such flavors as vanilla, caramel, coconut and pineapple. Someone even said that the taste is reminiscent of pawpaw wine.

So, if you have not had to try this interesting fruit with a very charming name and a mysterious taste, go the an farmer’s market, and maybe you’ll get lucky and find it there.
