Because of the refusal of a visa, the donor can’t come to sister of dying from cancer

Because of the refusal of a visa, the donor can’t come to sister of dying from cancer

A resident of southern Californiaand struggling with leukemia, can’t do a stem cell transplant from her sister out of Vietnam, because the woman was denied a visa.

In February, doctors diagnosed the 61-year-old Helen aggressive form of leukemia. They said that transplantation of stem cells will give her a chance to live two to five years.

Because of the refusal of a visa, the donor can’t come to sister of dying from cancer

Yvonne Murray, the daughter of Helen, says that in June they found a wholly suitable donor (usually 70% is considered a miracle). The donor was the youngest sister Helen, Thuy Nguyen, who lives in Vietnam.

Since then, Nguyen has filed three applications for a U.S. visa, but each time was refused.

According to Yvonne, the younger sister of her mother has a property in Vietnam, business and two children, but, according to the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh city, she «couldn’t prove that it will force her to leave the States at the end of the stay».

«I feel that we are so close to rescuing mom. All that stands between us is the Consulate,» says Yvonne Murray.

The U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh city and the state Department declined to comment on NBC is the case.
Family, Helen believes that it would be different if the donor was living in Vietnam, and in Europe, Canada, or Australia.

Yvonne had to quit work to care both for the mother and the youngest sister in the family who suffers from down syndrome. She also launched a GoFundMe campaign to somehow cover the costs.

In addition, the family appealed to the house of representatives member from California, Alan Lowenthal.

«I personally will contact the US Ambassador in Vietnam, to ask him to find out why sister Helen repeatedly refused a visa in this emergency situation, and also to learn what else we can do for her,» said Lowenthal.

Doctors say without a transplant the family should prepare for the worst. «Every day spent with her is a gift,» says daughter Helen.

Our country is DENYING #HelenHuynh Beloved Mother & Grandmother a chance to live. ? #Help‼ this ?? @SenKamalaHarris ?

— Westchester Gasette (@WCGasette) September 16, 2017
