In what countries is the US considered a threat?

In what countries is the US considered a threat?

Fans of the teachings of Machiavelli are sure that the present leader of his allies have more to fear than to love. However, the United States, as one of the leading world powers believe that they are examples of «friendly leader», which extends its protective hand over the world. However, many people in the world really fear the international policy of the United States, believing that America is not always a good force in the international arena, according to the website Statista.

According to the Pew Research Center, the overall situation of the United States in the world is a little shaken. Surprisingly, people in traditionally allied countries, such as Turkey (a NATO member) or partner countries in East Asia, e.g. South Korea and Japan, feel threatened by American power.
The country with the cautious inhabitants was Turkey, where 72% of respondents considered the US a threat to their homeland. In second place with a slight separation South Korea, where a similar opinion is shared by 70% of respondents. Closes the top three Japan, with a score of 62%.
Most of confidence in the US showed the people of India, Israel, Poland and Italy.

In what countries is the US considered a threat?

The survey was conducted by the centre in 38 countries from February 16 to may 8, 2017. The survey polled 41, 953 people. They were asked the following question: «How do You think the power and influence of the United States pose a serious threat, a minor threat or does not pose a threat to Your country?».
