The U.S. can expect a severe flu season

The U.S. can expect a severe flu season

To predict whether to rage the flu in winter and autumn, the experts look at the situation in the southern hemisphere. What they saw this year, does not carry US any good.

Now Australia is experiencing one of the worst flu seasons. Officials say 168,337 of cases of influenza recorded this year. For comparison, in 2016 year, there were 91,000 cases, and in 2015 — 100,000. And given that not all patients seek medical help after they develop flu symptoms, the real figures could be even higher.

The U.S. can expect a severe flu season

One of the reasons for this serious situation is a strain of the flu virus. This season in the southern hemisphere is dominated by the virus H3N2, this strain usually manifests itself in a more severe form.

The Australian flu season now coming to an end, as the country begins the spring at a time as in the US come fall. In October, the flu season in America is in full swing, reaching a peak in January and February.

Experts say that there is every reason to expect a serious epidemic, despite the fact that predicting the exact outcome is nearly impossible. But the public should be prepared for such an eventuality to take care of your health in advance.

One of the hallmarks of influenza is the unpredictability. Strains mutate regularly, and in different countries can simultaneously dominate different variations of the same disease. Vaccinations against influenza protect only against certain strains, but doctors say that they are still the best way of dealing with the disease.

Flu shots can be done at the Centers for control and prevention of diseases. Doctors recommend annually to undergo vaccination against influenza for adults and children over 6 months. Even if the vaccine does not protect against disease, it will help to move the flu easier and faster.
