The United States plan to collect data in social networks on immigrants

The United States plan to collect data in social networks on immigrants

The Department of homeland security (DHS) will collect all the necessary information about immigrants in social networks. A new rule published last week in the Federal register of the United States.

It will enter into force on 18 October, after public comment and will apply even for those who have already received a green card or have completed the process of naturalization. According to BuzzFeed, the innovation may also affect U.S. citizens who communicate with immigrants in social networks.

In may, the administration trump approved the new application form for those wishing to obtain a visa, which you need to specify your social media accounts that were created within 5 years and biographical information over the last 15 years.

Earlier, the US authorities also canceled the 30/60 rule about changing visa status, it will replace the rule of 90.
