What Americans spend money?

What Americans spend money?

Wondered whether you ever question how you spend more money? Annual Survey of consumer expenditure prepared by the Bureau of the census has determined what Americans spend their money and how much.

The review is based on review of financial management 129 549 American consumers. Costs are divided into more than 12 categories.

What Americans spend money?

So, the most costly part of the budget of the American is housing (41% of annual income). In addition to direct housing costs in this category also include the costs associated with paying rent, mortgage, indirect costs to buy items household items, particularly furniture. This situation is not happy, because according to the government estimates, if the family spends on housing more than 30% of their income – money for immediate needs is not enough.

The second largest cost is transportation. 16% of average earnings in a year Americans spend on movement or servicing their own cars.

Followed by food, health care and utilities – 14%, 8% and 7% of annual income respectively. Then entertainment (5%), clothing (3%), education (2%), and other needs.
