Only 17% of U.S. residents believe that the «American dream» is unattainable

Only 17% of U.S. residents believe that the «American dream» is unattainable

36% of Americans think that are already living in their «American dream«, 46% said they are on the way to her. Only 17% say that the American dream is «out of reach» for them.

People who believe that we have already achieved this goal, tend to be older and better educated than those who are still on the way to it. 41% of them are white, and blacks and Hispanics in minority — 17% and 32%, respectively. Statistics among those who «still goes to the American dream», is slightly different: blacks — 62%, Hispanic — 51% white – 42%.

However, the term «American dream» is interpreted by different people in different ways. The most popular definition is a happy and strong family, at least the inhabitants of America compare the American dream with wealth (11%). Often to the components of this term also include freedom of choice (77% of respondents) and a peaceful old age (60%). A successful career and own house are in the minority – only 43% of respondents included them in the list of required components.

It turned out that the interpretation of the term «American dream» significantly affects the education of the respondents. Freedom of choice remember 87% of those who went to College, and 82% of those who had experience in College. Only 65% of those whose education ended in high school, ranked as the freedom to the components of the «American dream». The same picture is observed and at the mention of wealth, only 8% of people with higher education ranked it to the components of success, however, the rate among those not in College, is as much as 15%.

Only 17% of U.S. residents believe that the «American dream» is unattainable

According to the materials Pewresearch
