Study: in the United States suffer 12 percent of the rich, and 38 percent of the poor

Study: in the United States suffer 12 percent of the rich, and 38 percent of the poor

According to a study in the United States the biggest difference between the health status of the poor and the rich. The situation is worse only in Chile and Portugal. Experts believe that the blame lies in the lack of social assistance.

The researchers conducted a survey in 32 countries. They were interested in the health and incomes of citizens. So it became clear that poor Americans health is significantly worsethan the rich.

Of one third of the respondents among the poor, the 38.2% reported «average or poor» health status. A similar condition is found in 12.3% of the respondents among the richest Americans. Thus, the U.S. health care system has become one of the worst, says Harvard research, which was published in the June issue of Health Affairs.

Such inequalities are several reasons, one of which — a large number of uninsured Americans — says Joakim O. Hero, lead author of the study.

He added: «In the U.S., the medical expenses of one person more than in other countries. Therefore, fewer poor people can afford medical insurance, and expensive».

Elizabeth Bradley, Professor of health at Yale University and head of the Yale Global Health Leadership Institute, believes that there is a reason. In her opinion, is the lack of state social assistance to the poor.

«When we studied other countries with a high income, then noticed how many there spend of GDP on benefits for the poor, housing and food… in the US this figure is less,» said Professor Bradley.
