An elderly couple met «through a» hurricane Irma and recently got married

An elderly couple met «through a» hurricane Irma and recently got married

Who would have guessed that hurricane Irma is able not only to destroy, but to combine life, becoming an unwitting matchmaker?

But it’s true. If not for Irma, 79-year-old Denise Praz and Joseph Mazur the other day would not have exchanged rings in the Catholic Church. John the Evangelist in North Naples, state of Florida.

An elderly couple met «through a» hurricane Irma and recently got married

Denise and Joseph, both widowed residents Bentley Village was evacuated to Orlando in mid-September, when the state was hit by hurricane. A big part of Bentley Village was destroyed or badly damaged, so they stayed in a hotel in Orlando about a month.

The first night they met in the lounge area of the hotel. The next morning Denise sat alone at Breakfast, and Joseph decided to join her.

In the following weeks they knew each other, talked together, swam, walked, went to Sunday mass… and after a while decided to get married. «We realized that we have much in common,» says Joseph Mazur Naples Daily News. «Everything developed very quickly.»

Wife of Joseph died in 2015, husband Deniz in June this year. For two pairs of seven children, and some of them were a little shocked at how quickly their parents decided to remarry.

«My daughter said to me, I like it very much, mother, but you recently buried my dad,» says Denise Praz. «But I said, I feel that it is right. Joseph asked directly: will you marry me? And I said Yes.»
