NASA denies that keeps child slaves on Mars

NASA denies that keeps child slaves on Mars

NASA was forced to respond to the strange statement by former CIA agent Robert David Steele.
Steele came to the program InfoWars, which is Alex Jones. News from the Alex Jones broadcast on 118 radio stations across the country, as well as in the Internet. In 2015 Alex Jones gave interviews and current President Donald trump.

«We really believe that Mars is a colony populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space. Once they get to Mars, they have no option but to be slaves,» said Steele.

NASA denies that keeps child slaves on Mars

The Alex Jones picked up the statements of the guest, adding: «Look, I know that 90% of NASA missions are secret. There’s a lot that goes on.»
Former CIA agent also said that the kidnapped children not only to use in space, but also for organ trafficking, for example, bone marrow.

Channel Alex Jones is not the first time it appears in the center of the resonance of «revelations». So, in 2016, he supported the notorious «Pizzagate» — a conspiracy theory, according to which influential supporters of Hillary Clinton are associated with the secret organization of pedophiles. Supposedly in their messages, the phrase «pizza cheese» meant child pornography. However, Jones later apologized to the owner of Comet Pizza Washington pizza, which was also suspected of involvement in pedophilia.

NASA representatives had to respond to the statements of former CIA agent.
«On Mars there are no people. On Mars Rovers, but no people,» said The Daily Beast a NASA spokesman guy Webster.
