In new York, discovered the time capsule (photos)

In new York, discovered the time capsule (photos)

In Manhattan, construction workers yesterday, Wednesday, I stumbled in the Flatiron District, at the intersection of 21st Street at 5th Avenue, for a subject similar to an aviation bomb of times of the Second world.

They immediately cordoned off the locality and the police were called and the bomb squad. «It really looked like a huge bomb,» said an eyewitness, cliff Russell.
However, as it turned out, it was not the shell and only the shell of him. In fact, the discovery of»time capsule» (these are often buried, or immured to send letters to the descendants), and belonged to the capsule club Danceteria, which was located here.

In new York, discovered the time capsule (photos)

It was a very famous club there in the eighties by a young Madonna and many other stars. «It was a club on five floors, it was open seven nights a week for five years. And every night there was more fun than the last one,» says a former Danceteria owner John Argento.

Argento said that the shell of a shell for many years hung in the military surplus store on Canal Street, and somehow they persuaded the owner to sell it for $ 200. From the shell it was decided to make a time capsule.
«Visitors to the club threw the letter in the future, Polaroids and God knows what else,» adds Argento.

On the capsule was written «to Open in 10 thousand years» and buried her in 1984 year. Unfortunately, most of the notes it has decayed.
But as they say new Yorkers, the capsule did its job — it made me think about the past.
«It made us think what else you can find in all the buildings of Manhattan?», — says a local resident Dakota Pentane.
